Tendency to Trust

Tendency to Trust 

How often  has it happened that you trusted someone and your trust was not keptπŸ˜–? What was the impact of that on your mind ?Would you able to trust that person again? Or someone else? There are two situations :
  1. Trusting the same person, 
  2. Trusting a new person. 

Trusting the same person will be difficult for you as your past memories won't let you do it. 

May be that person doesn't want to deceive you but how can you be sure about it? You can forgive the person but can't forget your past. What you can learn from this, two things :
improve relationships and trust
Tendency to trust and forgive 
  1. When you forgive a person, it will heal  you... That pain of deception  and if you will keep rendering on the past means you are not allowing the positive things to happen in your life. If you can't forget your past,😒 it will hurt "You",not someone else. 
  2. Think before what you do. Things cannot be "Undo".It will have everlasting effect. You won't be able to separate you from your past doings. 

Trusting a new person is a tendency of all human beings. 

What if we don't trust somebody just because this person can also be like others? Well, we can't do that. If you do so you are making the world a horribleπŸ’πŸ’€ place. You can't share your feelings, you can't take someone's help, you can't live happy  and healthy  at all. We trust everyone and everyday, when you are travelling you trust a "driver ",when you are ill you trust "doctor",and so on. If you announce that being deceived, you will never trust someone, you are also deceiving yourself. The best thing for you is "Move on".πŸ‘₯
All the best! 
My another blog :mymotive1.blogspot.com


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