Excuse versus Act

Excuse versus Act 

Whatever situation you face in your life, you always have two options :

  • To make an excuse 
  • To act upon the situation 
If you choose the first option, you are going to deceive yourself. But as you know "Practice makes a man perfect ",you will be an expert in making excuses, you'll be famous in this field "Superb Excuse Maker πŸ˜‚"
making excuses, doing acts
An excuse maker 
.Sound good? Well, the result will be that nobody will trust you because all are aware about your expertise. They know that you use your energy in making excuses. Remember, this is the same energy that you could use in doing your work. They know some facts about you :

  1. You are not going to work hard .
  2. After being failed, you make an excellent excuse. 
  3. You won't accept that it's an excuse. 
Therefore, this way leads to  destroy yourself. 
If you choose the second option, "Congratulations! πŸ‘πŸ‘"And hurry up!
making excuses, doing actions
Taking an action 
Because you have a lot of work to do. Choosing this option shows that you have accepted all your responsibilities. But as you know "Good things are difficult to achieve ",you'll have to work hard "to act and to maintain this tendency to act ".I'm sure if you can choose this way, you can also maintain it. You know what you can doπŸ’ͺ. So, keep moving forward and don't get stopped by anything. Never accept anything that you think is less than you can achieve. Never make compromises in your life as you know you have the power to face and change the situation. Use all your resources to get what you want so that no resources should be left free for engaging in negative thinking .All the negativity will leave you as you have given no importance😏 to it. And who else can stay with you without paying attention? Now, what are you waiting for? Make your decision... Which option would you like to choose? Choice is always yours! 
All the best! 

My another blog:mymotive1.blogspot.com


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