You're a Genius

You're a Genius 

Trust yourself
You're a Genius 

Your ultimate goal is to explore 
Your world and your role
Ya! You're the one who can never be defeated 
It's your way you can easily seek it 
Oh! Let me tell you once again I repeat it 
You're a Genius 
O yeh! 
You're a Genius 

No matter... 
What you are, what you were 
What you wanted to be 
No matter... 
How many times have you failed 
How many times have you succeed 
Just leave it all ,keep it all away 
And see that all what's waiting for you today 
You're a Genius 
O yeh! 
You're a Genius 

It's better...
Move on towards your goal 
And just dare and dream 
It's better... 
Evaluate your strengths and 
Improve them to the extreme 
Forget everything that makes you feel low 
And get ready to just shine and glow 
You're a Genius 
O yeh! 
You're a Genius... 

This song is also available on my u-tube channel :Click here
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